Paris here, I am the Training Development Manager of Reformer at 1Rebel, and I’m going to tell you how best to warm up before your Reformer session.

Warming up before a 1Rebel Reformer class is essential to prepare your body for the exercises and reduce the risk of injury. Especially as we are a little higher intensity and less classical than other studios.

Here's a warm-up routine that I like to do before a Reformer session and something you can follow before you hop into class:

  1. Cardio Warm-up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light exercise to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles. This could simply be making your walk to the 1Rebel studio more of a brisk walk than a gentle stroll.

    2. Joint Mobilisation: Perform gentle exercises to increase the range of motion in your major joints. Focus on areas like your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles. For example, you can do shoulder circles, hip circles and ankle rolls.

    3. Dynamic Stretching: Incorporate dynamic stretches to target the muscles you'll be working during your session. Dynamic stretching helps improve flexibility and enhances blood flow to the muscles. Some dynamic stretches you can include are leg swings, arm circles, and torso twists.

    4. Breathing Exercises: Incorporate breathing exercises to connect with your breath and engage your core muscles. In Reformer, we have moments where we emphasise movement on breath, so take a few minutes to practice deep diaphragmatic breathing.

    5. Mind-Body Connection: Take a moment to mentally prepare for the class. Focus on your intention for the session, visualise successful and controlled movements, and establish a mind-body connection. This mental preparation can enhance your performance during the class.

    For me, Reformer sessions are not only about physical movement, but also your mentality that is going to allow you to get the most out of those special 45 minutes in the Reformer studio. Define your goals for the session. Whether it's improving flexibility, building strength, reducing stress, or just doing something small in your day for you. Turning up and walking into the studio is the hardest part. Having clear intentions can help you stay focused.

    Visualise Success: Imagine yourself successfully completing the session. Visualisation can boost confidence and create a positive mindset before you even start the workout

    Practice Deep Breathing: Take a few minutes to engage in deep, mindful breathing before your session. This can help calm your nerves, reduce stress, and enhance your mind-body connection.

    Positive Affirmations: Remind yourself of your capabilities by using positive affirmations. Repeat phrases like "I am strong," "I am capable," or any other affirmations that resonate with you. Even something like ''I can stay focused for 45 minutes out of my day''. Another that works really well for me during any 1Rebel session is ''I am capable of being uncomfortable.'' As we all know the Reformer burn gets REAL. In addition, focus on the present moment rather than worrying about the difficulty of the exercises or how much time is left in your session.

    Wear Appropriate Clothing: Ensure you're wearing comfortable, breathable clothing that allows for a full range of motion. Feeling physically comfortable contributes to mental preparedness and makes your session way more enjoyable and less restricting. Also, don’t forget your grippy socks.

    Be Patient with Yourself: Understand that Reformer is a practice, and improvement takes time. Be patient with yourself, and don't get discouraged if certain exercises are challenging initially. Your instructor is there to help you and will always offer regressions and progressions for anyone who requires it. Pop your hand up and your instructor will be right with you.

    Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Recognising your achievements can boost your confidence and motivation for future workouts. The more sessions you attend, the more growth you will see. Consistency is key.



To ice bath or not to ice bath
