Marathon Gear: Guide to conquer Your Marathon

Happy February Rebels. If you're gearing up to take on London Marathon this April, you're in for an unreal journey of sweat, cheers, and the occasional cramp. This will be my 3rd time running London, here’s my pearls of running wisdom (lol) to guide you through the essentials you need in your training and on Race day. Lets get stuck in..


Training Essentials:


1.     Shoes That Feel Like Clouds


-       You need a pair of Running Shoes that are going to be your best pal on your whole journey. Invest in a pair of quality runners that suit your individual running style, make you feel light and bouncy and don’t leave you with a whole load of blisters. DO NOT be tempted to wear them for the first time on Race Day, make sure they’ve had some good practice in them first.


2.     Comfy Clothing


-       It’s London in April: Your guess is as good as mine what the weather will throw at us, so come prepared with layers. It is completely personal preference as to how you want to be kitted out, my vote: Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that will keep you cool and dry, moisture wicking clothing is a winner and a secret weapon against sweat and chafing. On that note, NIPPLE TAPE. Trust me.


-       If on the day the weather is COLD, bring a Hoodie you are happy to donate to a clothing bank, you have the option to wear it in the warm-up pen and right up to the start line and then discard just before you go.


3.     Wearables and Tracking


-       With hundreds of options nowadays, embrace the Tech side of Running with a reliable smartwatch or GPS tracker (Garmin are my winners). Keeping track of your pace, splits and distance not only keeps you engaged and accountable on Race Day but also allows for a way more structured and fine-tuned approach to training leading up to the Marathon. Would HIGHLY recommend you get on board with some running tech.


4.     Fuel For The Engine


-       Imagine adding coal to a fire to keep the flames burning, this is our focus with Intra-Run Fuelling. Getting your body adjusted to taking on carbs on your runs is a MUST for your training. Whether you’re a Gel person, Energy Bar or a ‘Handful of Haribo’ Runner, the earlier you can start experimenting with eating on the go the better, so it’s practiced and perfected come Race Day. I have always found an intake of carbs every 40-50minutes on your Long Runs the most optimal, but you find what works for your body.


-       Hydration is key. There is plenty of Water stations on Marathon Day, normally every 3-5 miles. If (like me) you lose a-lot of sweat when you run, you may want to consider taking additional water along with you, just to keep topped up. You can play around with this in Training, again see what works best for you.


-       Electrolytes: The secret to beating cramp, you can thank me later. We lose a good amount of Salt through our sweat while we run, so maintaining a good balance in the body is essential to our performance and in offsetting fatigue. Aim to take on electrolytes before your longer training runs, most electrolytes are in powders or dissolvable tablets, then take again during your run in the form of Chews/Salt Tabs (there’s loads on the market) and then replenish again with them after. Easy.


The Marathon Day Gear:


1.     Outfit


-       Comfort and Style. Something that makes you feel strong and proud, you’ve truly earned it. Don’t forget your Race Number and Running Chip/Tracker, you’ll want these so you can find your Running Photos after (for the Instagram and Strava clout…) and so your Marathon Time is recorded.


-       Get your Name Printed. If you can get your name printed onto the front of your running top, you will get SO MUCH support from the bystanders. One of the best things about the Marathon is the amount of love you get from the London crowd, print your name on your top for that personal shoutout, it really does make you smile.


2.     Running Vest/Belt


-       Somewhere you can store your gels/energy and water and stay ahead of the dehydration game. Running vests/belts are great for easy storage, no faff and keeping your hands free.


3.     Running Beats


-       Music or no music? That is the question. If you prefer some beats to run with, make sure that playlist is a WINNER, queue up those songs will give you the boost you need.




If you’ve done marathons before you know how incredible the experience is (hence why you’re here again) but if this is your first time, I hope you have found some value in this Blog. Remember, it’s going to be tough, it’s going to be mentally and physically challenging, but it’s also going to be one of the best days of your life, so embrace the challenge. Make sure you’ve got all the gear and the idea. Go get it Rebels.





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